NHAI debars consultant for deficient services in NH project
In order to deal with the lapses in development of national highways, NHAI is acting tough on the defaulters by taking strict action. NHAI has debarred Lion Engineering Consultants in association with Synergy Engineering Group from engagement in future NHAI projects for a period of six months.

The firm was engaged for consultancy services of Authority Engineer for supervision of 4-laning of Barhi-Hazaribagh section in the state of Jharkhand and failed to perform their assigned duties while delivering services for the project as well as executing the provisions made in the contract agreement. A Show Cause Notice was issued to the firm on account of deficiencies in Consultancy Services. The reply given by the consultant explaining the deficiencies were found to be unsatisfactory. Some major deficiencies/discrepancies in the consultancy services of the project included:
  • Lapses in quality control of the project
  • Deficiency in carrying out monthly inspection
  • Hiding information from NHAI in regard to faulty/ inadequate pavement design resulting in inadequate pavement thickness
  • Deficiencies in issuance of non-conformity reports and follow-up action
  • Gross laxity and negligence in supervision of work with respect to structures and quality of the project.
  • NHAI relies on the Consultants for maintaining quality and supervision of the projects. Consultants are expected to perform with high standards and ethics.
  • NHAI has warned all the Consultants to perform duties strictly as per the TOR to ensure good quality of work otherwise strict action will be taken against all deficient Consultants.

Earlier, Theme Engineering Services was also debarred by NHAI for a period of six months for poor quality work and the same was upheld by the Hon鈥檅le High Court also.

NHAI has launched quality checking drive where all the projects are being checked by special teams of experts being sent from headquarter. These expert teams are also checking the performance of consultants who are supposed to monitor the construction quality.

In its endeavor to maintain high quality standards in highway development, NHAI is taking all necessary steps to ensure adherence to the standards during construction and maintenance of the projects.