Removing Moisture from Compressed Air
Most of the industrial applications where compressed air is in use would require pressure dew point (PDP) between +2テつー to +8テつー Celsius. For, all such applications, a refrigerated type of air dryer can guarantee the best performance. For pneumatic applications, a pressure dew point should be considered over an atmospheric dew point as it will ensure the desired level of water content in compressed air which will be harmless to the process.

Very few industrial applications demand a quality of compressed air with a PDP below +2テつー Celsius e.g., cryogenic applications or manufacturing processes of hydroscopic materials. For such applications, it is recommended to install a refrigerated air dryer along with a suitable desiccant dryer for reducing overall investment as well as to minimise the purge loss of the desiccant dryer.

It is necessary to remove moisture from compressed air before it enters process machinery to prevent corrosion, rust, pollutants, and germs in your system while ensuring the quality standards required for your industry as well as minimising the wear and tear of your process equipment. Refrigerated dryers will increase the overall efficiency of process machinery and pneumatic tools.

The refrigerated dryer is used for removing moisture and water vapour from compressed air. They are usually an economic solution and are most suitable for safeguarding your process requirements and extending the life of the system. The latest refrigerated dryers have an inbuilt PDP indicator.

How does a refrigerated dryer protect equipment?

A refrigerated dryer works on the principle of cooling the compressed air to remove moisture. The heat generated by compression causes the moisture in the air to vapourise. The water vapour condenses into liquid when the air is cooled by a refrigerated dryer. Condensate is then removed from compressed air before entering the process. Your process equipment may corrode, rust, and run inefficiently if the moisture is not removed from compressed air. This way, the risk of corrosion and contamination is avoided along with increasing the overall efficiency of the system by removing the moisture from compressed air.

Operating a refrigerated dryer
Refrigerated dryers resemble a house-fridge largely in their operation. Eco-friendly refrigerants are used for cooling the hot compressed air.

The refrigerated dryer consists of an air-to-air heat exchanger, an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger, a closed-loop refrigeration cycle, and a condensate drain system.

  • Incoming hot compressed air is partially cooled by outgoing cold compressed air leaving the dryer.
  • At the same time, the outgoing compressed air is re-heated around the room temperature, so condensation does not form on the outside of the piping after the dryer.
  • Cooling of incoming air results in reducing the energy required by the refrigerant compressor and hence ensures further power saving.
  • Incoming air is further cooled down to the required PDP level at an air-to-refrigerant exchanger by an eco-friendly refrigerant.
  • Water vapour in compressed air is condensed and drained through an automatic condensate system.
  • Hot refrigerant again is passed through a closed-loop refrigeration cycle to transform into a cold refrigerant required for the next cycle. The equipment is quite simple in construction and easy to operate. The maintenance and operation too are as easy as that of a house-fridge.
  • In some models, youll find features like intelligent drain discharge. This part eliminates condensation using electronic sensors, saving compressed air. Additionally, there are features to lower operational costs along with an optional filtering system.

    The compressed airs relative humidity needs to be under 50 per cent to be effective. There are optional PDP indicators that can help you keep track of the drying process. These gadgets measure dew point, show fan condition, and have a PDP alarm.

    Despite this, installing and maintaining a refrigerator dryer is rather easy. To reduce operational costs as much as possible, we built machines that are durable and simple to operate.

    Both non-cycling and cycling variants of refrigerator dryers are available in the market. Cyclic dryer controls dew point by switching on and off the refrigeration cycle, hence PDP of the system will be maintained in the range of テつア 5テつーC. Whereas a non-cyclic dryer controls the dew point continuously guaranteeing the constant dew point. The non-cyclic dryer is energy efficient as it varies cooling depending upon air demand unlike over-running in the case of cyclic dryers.

    No matter what is variation in air demand is, a non-cyclic Mark dryer will maintain an exact PDP at the lowest energy. The equipment is simple, safe, and reliable.

    Environmentally friendly gases CFC content in refrigerant gases affects the environment. If the ozone layer is something that worries you, our MDS dryer uses environmentally safe R513A, R410A, and R452A gas.

    Proper drainage
    You must utilise an oil-water separator at discharge if your refrigerated dryer is attached to an air compressor that uses oil injection. It's crucial to properly dispose of oil, especially when awareness of environmental safety concerns is a universal problem.

    Additionally, when getting rid of condensate, you should implement it with caution. Oil is frequently present in the condensate water that is released from compressed air. Residual oil traces are so minute that cant be seen with the naked eye; hence it is crucial to adhere to strict protocol.

    Never pour contaminated condensate onto the ground or into a plastic container. It is advisable to make sure that you are adhering to proper regulations following strict EMS guidelines.

    Choosing a refrigerated dryer for your air compressor
    It is important to select the right capacity of refrigerated air dryers if your application is critical. The capacity of a refrigerated dryer depends upon inlet compressed air temperature, the pressure of compressed air and compressor room temperature.

    Our compressed-air refrigerated dryers offer great dependability and are easy to install. When it comes to quality and protecting your process and compressed air equipment, these devices will add greater value.

    You should think about installation, dependability, PDP, and high-quality parts when evaluating equipment. Finding the most energy-efficient option is also crucial.