SDLG reopens factory following Coronavirus pandemic
Top SDLG executives visited its factory in Linyi, China, to monitor measures put in place to ensure the safety and health of its employees amidst COVID-19. Like many Chinese companies, SDLG closed its factory in early February to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and is resuming operations following temporary government-mandated closures. ?At SDLG, the wellbeing of our employees is a top priority before our assembly lines start production again, which is why we have strict measures in place to protect them,? said Wang Zhizhong, CEO and Chairman of SDLG.

SDLG has implemented several safety measures to protect its employees including: strict monitoring of employees? temperature, personal protection equipment (like masks, gloves and sanitisers) for all workers, regular disinfecting of the factory?s assembly line, dormitories, cafeteria and a ban on all elevator use.

?We are all in this together, fighting against COVID-19, so we are also advising our clients and operators to implement strict protocols to protect themselves,? Wang said.

For those returning to job sites across China, the company has also released a series of recommendations for staying safe while resuming operations amidst COVID-19. These include:

  • Maintaining a two-metre distance from other people at all times;
  • Requiring all workers to wear masks and register their temperature at regular intervals;
  • Disinfecting all equipment before every shift and making sure to sanitise the following areas in particular: steering wheels, handles, armrest, controls and grease gun;
  • Avoiding in-person communication where necessary, and instead encouraging cell phones or walkie-talkies. For situations where in-person communications is required, SDLG recommends maintaining a safe distance between all parties;
  • Asking workers to bring their own utensils and food to work, and remembering to maintain social distancing during dining times.

    For SDLG?s machines, the company also recommends high levels of ventilation to ensure the safest possible work environment. Within machine cabs, that means leaving windows open and switching on air conditioning to ensure good air flow. For larger indoor construction sites, operators should turn on air ventilation systems.

    ?Proper planning and prevention are the best ways to protect the wellbeing of our people and partners during this global crisis,? Wang said. ?We all need to do our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19.?