

The construction market in India is the second largest in Asia-Pacific Countries (APAC) region and is expected to become the fastest growing market in the region by 2025.

We dont generally procure used equipment

We call for quotes from different companies and based on technical evaluation by our mechanical section, we do recommend for which type of equipment we should go for. This is based on 3-4 major factors: after sales service, performance parameters available in the market and pricing.

Sour CE Issue

Essentially, CE selection and procurement is a complex metrics-based decision making activity that requires active involvement of the concerned stakeholders of an organisation.

Towering Tall

The real estate and power sectors will show a tremendous growth in the next 2-3 years. As per projections, the tower crane requirement will increase to 30-40 per cent in these two years. Current demand growth for tower cranes is mostly from realty sector.

Safety in tower crane is of paramount importance

We have major projects of the World Tower, The Park and Trump in Worli, Mumbai, New Caffe Parade in Wadala, Mumbai and Palava 2 near Dombivli, Thane district where we use various types and capacities of tower cranes.