
Energy Efficient Lubricants

Lubricant manufacturers to great extent are trying to exceed expectations from lubricants that can meet stricter emission norms, improve energy efficiency, and enhance reliability and longer equipment life.

Synthetic Lubes Seminar

The second edition of the National Synthetic Lubes seminar reinforces technological superiority in synthetic lubricants. Following the success of the first National Synthetic Lubes Seminar, Shell Lubricants

The Indian lubricants industry is expected to grow at 11.5 per cent

Synthetic lubricants in all applications are becoming more popular and widely used worldwide. While it is estimated that the current consumption of synthetic lubricants is about six per cent of the global lubricants consumption,

We work very closely with OEMs.

In the economic slowdown techno?logy plays a role where one becomes more profit conscious and looks for someone like Shell. Our solutions are based on delivering value, says Akhileshwar Jha, Vice President-Technical, Lubricants, Shell India Markets.